St. Regis School - Portrait of a Graduate/Graduate Profile - A sample poster with the ideas that were sent out in the Google Form last week or so is at the office window. If you would like to stop by and see it and view the results (without names), it is available at the office whenever the office is open. Please sign the notebook saying that you have looked at it as part of our proof to the state that we are engaging community members in this process. This is a project in the works, so I will send out more forms in the future asking for input before we are required to submit the final draft.
St. Regis School - Missoula Children's Theatre is coming to St. Regis School on April 15th through the 20th! More information will be coming home with your child soon and will also be posted online. Kindergarten through 12th grade can participate.
We apologize for the increasing number of communications going out from the school. The state is asking us, sort of commanding us, to solicit the public for more input on everything we do, including processes that normally we would accomplish through a smaller representative of parties that express interest in taking part in these processes. We understand that receiving so many requests for information or for your input may be annoying or irritating and hope that you receive our requests in the spirit they are offered, to make the school better and to reflect community input in the normal planning processes.
St. Regis School - Proposed Graduate Profile. As part of our accreditation this year, we are required to submit a Graduate Profile. Using the following link, please read the "big picture" ideas we've gathered from local input and see if you think it works for St. Regis before Thursday. Examples and some guidance from the Office of Public Instruction are included in the form. There are four questions and some spots for feedback. There will be an open session at the end of the week to look at the feedback we've gathered and move forward with a graphic to be approved at the board meeting next week. The state has set a deadline for submission of the March 29th.
Please share this link with other community members that you feel may be interested in participating.
Parent and Guardians. We are in the process of developing next year's school calendar and we would love to hear what you have to say about it. Please take a few minutes and answer the 3 questions on the anonymous survey. The survey will close on 3/12 at 3:30 pm.
You can access the survey at the following link:
Thank you for your time.
Mr. Ball (Schoo Principal)
St. Regis School - Integrated Strategic Action Plan community work session 6pm tonight in the music room. We already have a potential plan created based off of results from the Comprehensive Needs Assessment sent out a few weeks ago. The results of the CNA will be shared at the meeting and can also be found in BoardDocs from our February Board meeting in the superintendent's notes and is linked below. The instructions from the state were to pick 3 goals from the CNA to address in this year, have an action plan in place to meet those goals, and then update the plans each accreditation year. If the plans meet the approval of the group, the meeting may be quite short, but the superintendent will be there to field questions and take notes for potential adjustments that may lead to another meeting before the March board meeting on March 20th to approve the ISAP.$file/2024%20Acc%20CNA%20Results.pdf
Now that we've received results from the Comprehensive Needs Assessment, the next step is creating our goals and action steps to meet those goals. This is more easily done in person. I have identified three goals from the CNA that we can target this year and am working on creating action plans to meet those goals so that we can quickly adjust or change parts of it out without having to put together the entire piece together from the ground up. The state would like us to track participation in this process with a sign-in sheet to prove that we have engaged the public in this process. The state has not said if they will keep the list of names private or whether it will be public record as to participation in this process. If we do not get enough names the state may mark us down on the accreditation process by saying that we are not involving the public in these decisions. So, even if you do not plan on participating in the adjustment of the document, please come and observe!
I am anticipating that we can finish this product from beginning to end within an hour at most. If you can only come for a short period of time and sign in, that would help our numbers. Tuesday, March 5th at 6pm in the music room.
We are experiencing increased illness in the schools.
To help protect others from contagious illnesses, students should remain home until they:
- Feel well enough to participate in class
- Are fever-free (less than 100.4) for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (acetaminophen or ibuprofen)
- Are 24 hours after vomiting or having diarrhea
- No longer have a persistent/uncontrollable cough or shortness of breath
Contact your student’s medical provider for specific information on how to manage symptoms and to determine if additional intervention is needed.
Some tips to help manage symptoms include:
- Gargle with warm salt water or drink warm liquids for a sore throat.
- Use saline (saltwater) nasal drops in the nose for nasal congestion
- Run a cool-mist humidifier or run a hot shower to create a steam- filled bathroom for coughing and congestion
- Increase fluids to prevent dehydration with all illnesses.
- Offer small amounts of bland solid food, such as toast, crackers, rice, mashed potatoes, after vomiting ends & your student has an appetite.
- Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen (never aspirin) according to package instructions to help with fever and aches.
Everyone should get plenty of sleep, eat well-balanced meals including foods with vitamin c, stay hydrated, take a multi-vitamin if recommended by a medical provider, and manage stress. See the attached (link/document) for additional information
Please notify the school when your student is ill.
Thank you for reviewing this information.
Take care!
(2/26/2024) Due to whiteout conditions, all WEST END students must get on the bus and go home today at 3:45 pm. There is not a late bus (5:15 pm) heading to the WEST END today.
Friday School has been canceled on 2/23. Go Tigers!!!!
All WEST END students must go home at 3:45 today ( 2/15/24) due to road conditions.
After the legislative session we are now required to redo our school's strategic plan. As such, we need to have an information gathering period. Please take some time to give us some information to put together our Integrated Strategic Action Plan (ISAP). The state is not aware of how often we put out these surveys and some of them can be quite long. We apologize for the hassle, but this Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) is a fraction of the length of some of them that we are required to send out.
Your email addresses will not be shared outside of these form results, which are used solely for this accreditation process and will be utilized solely by the school for this unique purpose.
Please click, or copy and paste into a browser, the link below and select the parent/community member or student.
Basketball vs. Alberton on 2/1/24 is in Alberton. It is not a home game as it was advertised in the paper.
There are no after-school programs on 1/25 due to parent conferences. Parent conferences start today at 4 pm.
St. Regis School - 1/24/24 Two Hour Delay due to Black Ice. No Half-day Kindergarten.
There will be no afterschool clubhouse or achieve on 1/23/24.
St. Regis School - Two-Hour Delay 1/23/24 due to black ice. 1/2 day Kindergarten is cancelled.
Reminder: There is NO Friday school on Friday, January 19th.
No School on 1/18/24. It has been canceled due to road conditions.
Two-hour delay for St. Regis School on 1/18/24. Classes will start at 10 am. No school for 1/2 day kinder.